Add your Property Listings to our International Property Portal Network of Property Selling Partners and receive Property Sales Leads from real potential buyers for no setup cost or advertising costs, only commission on sales.
Receive Free Leads from Buyers
We will list your Sales and Rental Properties on our 50+ and growing Property Sales Portals owned and run by our International Partners , our Partners market their business and Your listed properties to potential buyers both locally and worldwide.
There is no cost to you for us to list your properties on our network of Property Portals, we would add the property details to our central database making your properties available to our Partners worldwide thus giving you a much larger scope for international and regional leads / clients for no risk or upfront cost.
It's simple, when one of our Partners create an enquiry for one of your properties the lead will be passed directly to you for you to follow up and progress to sale where possible. On completion of the sale (when you are paid your commission) you would then pay us the agreed commission for originating the lead.

Expand Your Marketing x 50 times!
We provide a full service, for no cost to you.
- We will load your properties to our central database which goes out to all of our Property Portal Parrtners automatically
- We have Property Portal Partners worldwide including UK, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and more
- When an enquiry is received by any of our Partners, it is automatically forwarded to you , it is your client, for you to follow up
- When one of our enquiries completes a sale or rental of one of your properties, you pay us the agreed commission
- It's simple, fast , and efficient , and expands your potential for sales by 50x more !
Expand Your Marketing Reach 50x !
By listing your Properties on our worldwide network we are increasing your Marketing Reach 50x with no cost to you. Our Partners are motivated to market their business, and your properties.
They Are Your Clients
When we pass you the lead, they are Your Clients to follow up and progress the enquiry. The client deals with you and commissions for the sale come to you.
Pay On Results
There is no cost to list your properties on our network (we will do it for you), there is no advertising fees , there is no fee per lead. When a lead converts to a sale, you pay us an agreed percentage of the commission you received.